Innovation Expert Series: Shiftgig

by | Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

In this week’s RE:INVENTION Expert Series interview, we discuss innovation and the short-term gig economy with the CEO of Chicago startup Shiftgig.

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The Problem With Pivots: The Lean Startup Movement Steered You Wrong

by | Thursday, May 2nd, 2013
The Problem With Pivots: The Lean Startup Movement Steered You Wrong

The Lean Startup Movement proclaimed the power of the pivot (“quick course corrections from one idea to the next”). Eric […]

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Zach Braff, Veronica Mars, and the 5 P’s of Crowdfunding

by | Wednesday, May 1st, 2013
Zach Braff, Veronica Mars, and the 5 P’s of Crowdfunding

Yesterday I spoke about the perks and pitfalls of crowdfunding at Digital Hollywood 2013. The extraordinary panel included notable L.A. […]

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