Market Intelligence: Steve Jobs vs. the Rest of Us

by | Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

RE:INVENTION team member Dennis Jarvis shares the business tool for which he is most thankful: marketing research.

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Dilbert, Oprah, Elaine Benes and Overcoming Your Fear of Change

by | Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

As we learn from pop culture icons, change can be scary. Here are reasons people fear change, as well as 8 tips for how to navigate and embrace it from Harvard professor John Kotter.

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Five by Five / 5×5: Coasting vs. Risk-Taking

by | Friday, October 4th, 2013

This week, RE:INVENTION’s team discusses change — when and where a company should draw the line between being anchored in previously successful strategies and trying something new.

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Map It Out: Three Ways to Prepare for Uncertainty

by | Monday, September 30th, 2013

Want to prepare for uncertainty? Map it out. Most businesses deal with change by merely reacting to it. Here’s how you can be proactive about challenging situations instead.

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Five by Five / 5×5: Are You Enabling or Blocking Innovation?

by | Friday, September 20th, 2013

This week, RE:INVENTION’s team reviews PwC’s new 2013 Innovation Study and discusses what leaders can do to ensure they are enabling and not blocking innovation.

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Stuart Smalley, Darwin, and Business Transformation

by | Monday, September 16th, 2013
Stuart Smalley, Darwin, and Business Transformation

Darwin, Peter Senge and Al Franken’s Saturday Night Live character, Stuart Smalley, all offer lessons about modern business transformation and rapid organizational learning.

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