Market Intelligence: Steve Jobs vs. the Rest of Us

by | Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

RE:INVENTION team member Dennis Jarvis shares the business tool for which he is most thankful: marketing research.

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Digging for Business Intelligence: 10 Tips from K-9 Intern Kane

by | Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

RE:INVENTION K-9 Intern Kane discusses his recent backyard bone dig and shares his 10 tips for finding online business intelligence.

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Innovation and the Middle of the Road Fallacy

by | Saturday, August 4th, 2012
Innovation and the Middle of the Road Fallacy

On Friday, Jeffrey Phillips (@ovoinnovation) tweeted “As we say in Texas, the only things in the middle of the road […]

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How to Spark Startup Innovation

by | Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

In January, Michael Mandal’s Progressive Policy Institute research study speculated that big corporations were more innovative than startups. The study […]

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