Five by Five / 5×5: Are You Enabling or Blocking Innovation?

by | Friday, September 20th, 2013

This week, RE:INVENTION’s team reviews PwC’s new 2013 Innovation Study and discusses what leaders can do to ensure they are enabling and not blocking innovation.

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Stuart Smalley, Darwin, and Business Transformation

by | Monday, September 16th, 2013
Stuart Smalley, Darwin, and Business Transformation

Darwin, Peter Senge and Al Franken’s Saturday Night Live character, Stuart Smalley, all offer lessons about modern business transformation and rapid organizational learning.

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Five by Five / 5×5: Which CxO Owns Innovation in a Company?

by | Friday, September 13th, 2013

This week, RE:INVENTION’s team reviews a recent news article about the role of CMOs and debates which CxO should be responsible for innovation and new product development.

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Do You Become What You Disrupt?

by | Thursday, August 9th, 2012
Do You Become What You Disrupt?

“You become what you disrupt.” The Dave McClure / 500 Startups “#UNSEXY CONFERENCE” is breaking buzz sound barriers today. Many […]

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Innovation and the Middle of the Road Fallacy

by | Saturday, August 4th, 2012
Innovation and the Middle of the Road Fallacy

On Friday, Jeffrey Phillips (@ovoinnovation) tweeted “As we say in Texas, the only things in the middle of the road […]

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How to Spark Startup Innovation

by | Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

In January, Michael Mandal’s Progressive Policy Institute research study speculated that big corporations were more innovative than startups. The study […]

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